I was up and about at 6am for some bizarre reason so got to watch the sun coming up over Monument Valley.....wasn't in a hurry to get away as I thought I would give the early morning chill a miss.
the hotel on top of the rock!
I headed back towards Mexican Hat on the 163 and then north on the 261......met a few cows on the road again! Then I had a bit of an ascent......a section of dirt road with a series of switchback turns which was interesting......just getting to the top when I met a car coming the other way and the driver was on her mobile as she came round the bend........ the air was noticeably cooler by the time I reached the top and I was glad to get back on tarmac.
about halfway.....
you can see the road below I came in on.....
Got to the top......
On the 95 to Hanksville.....Glen Canyon National Park
thankfully my card worked.....gas station in middle of Glen Canyon closed for winter!
the Colorado River
South to Dixie National Forest.....summit at 9,700 feet
At the top of Boulder....
On my way into Bryce Canyon....
Made my way to Bryce Canyon for the evening and will check out the National Park tomorrow...
End of Week 5.....phew!
Miles on the bike - 14434
Miles ridden this week - 2166
Total miles ridden - 6990
Hi Carl! Sooo jealous!! the scenery looks amazing!! you lucky lucky b*****d