Friday, 10 April 2009
Home Sweet Home.....
So there and then I made the impulsive decision to ring the airline....see if I could jump on a plane home a few days earlier than planned and off I went.......dropped the bike off in San Pedro, completed the formalities and then jumped in a taxi to LAX.
Arrived in London after a 10 hour flight to a rainy and grey day (what else would you expect in April???) and made my way across London to get the train to Leeds.
The house is pretty much as I left it except for the rather large mound of mail sitting in my hallway......plenty of bills and final demands no doubt but they can wait until after the weekend!
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone back here in this part of the world for following my exploits and sending me messages along the way and to everyone in the USA that I encountered and helped me out. It has been a fun and entertaining 14,500 miles and I am looking forward to embarking on the summer leg of the trip.
Happy Easter to one and all!!!
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Angeles Crest Highway
Yesterday I took off north of the city to Glendale where I tried the Angeles Crest Highway. You may remember I tried to ride Highway 2 a couple of weeks ago but it was closed about 10 miles in on the eastern side of the route (the road was washed-out in places according to the forestry service). Well I decided I would check the same road out from the western end and while it is still not fully open I could ride up some of the way.
It was a nice enough run although I must admit that I left the hotel in my jeans and just a t-shirt under my jacket and by the time I got a mile up the Angeles Crest Highway the jeans had been swapped for the lined biking pants and a sweatshirt and the thermal liner for the jacket had been donned.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009 of the car!!!!
I made my way down to L.A. on Monday morning (about 160 miles) in order to find myself somewhere to store the bike. I have decided to hold onto her, park her up somewhere and then return to the USA in about 3 months when the weather up north is more inviting to spend 3-4 weeks visiting places like Montana and possibly Canada's British Columbia.
Anyway....I had a couple of leads on storage companies that might be able to help but spent much of Monday afternoon sweltering in LA traffic (seems to be constant gridlock), getting lost and getting very frustrated at storage companies who were of no help whatsoever once I had found them!
Long story short.....found a company who will have a space for me by the end of this week....they are building me a little cage to lock my bike away in at this very moment.
I ended up in Redondo Beach on Monday evening and Tuesday morning I decided to have a day off the bike and I extended my stay in the hotel and had a lazy day walking along the beach and chilling out.
not quite Baywatch but you get the idea....
from the Pier at Redondo Beach
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Back to Mariposa
all shiny again...
So I headed out of Sonora with the sun and the bike shining and headed south back down highway 49. The road was good and I was just taking things easy with a new front tyre and new brake pads front and rear......the road was full or twists and turns which was good fun until I came round a bend to find an old guy in an SUV (a great big 4x4) on the wrong side of the road - essentially he couldn't be arsed to follow the road (in an S-bend )and just decided to go straight between 2 bends and so was on my side of the road - but thankfully I wasn't going very fast as I had just stopped to take a couple of pics.....another mile in either direction and I might have been making the choice between the front of his truck or over the edge into the valley!
I first thought that I must have reverted back to UK-mode and it was me that was on the wrong side of the road but I pretty quickly established that it wasn't my mistake and it was him that was on my side of the road. I stopped in the middle of the road...he passed me and slowed to a near-stop and then looking in his mirror he decided against allowing me to respond and sped I was so ready to deck the bastard......he nearly killed me for the sake of 10 seconds!
heading down into the valley and back up the other side
I made my way into Mariposa and decided to park up early. Went back to the place I stayed in a couple of nights ago and they couldn't be more helpful....the 2 guys on the desk after giving me a good deal on a room were both out looking at the bike and asking me questions about the trip.
I headed into town and was in the 49'er Bar before 1630 enjoying a bottle of Moosehead (canadian lager) and soon ended up talking to Kevin, Kaela and PJ (pauline).....we played a little pool, fed money into the jukebox and had a few laughs.....Kevin eventually disappeared after way too many beers.